Sunday, August 11, 2013


I was a bit harsh.


Added a fart to the last post.

I will not look up

to people like that.

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Would you enjoy

most of your day feeling insulted by Ellen DeGeneres when people are testing you for being squeamish, like they're bad but are like being racist and saying you "messed up" all the time?


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My parents won't shut up with the secret messages, so I send them my disjointed 1!


Ellen probably thinks I'm a baby.

Why are some of my toes jittery?  Also, my dad, that *beep*, said soup in a funny way @ my fingers.  SHUT UP STUPID ORLANDO CITIZENS.


My dad acted like "he's not reading my blog."  What a piece of shit, sounds like Ellen.

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Did you know

people are actually threatening me to ^fall^ for Ellen's supposed ****ness?  What ****ness?


Ellen messed up her whole career.

I'm not talking..

..TO Ellen, but I dislike something @ her because she is nice to my old friends.


You stupid sleeping people think all kids are worse than Late Boomers, that Late Boomers are in the flesh adults who lead adult lives.

Don't you think this is..

pretty stupid?  What about all the other people who can say nigger?  ARGH!


If you don't stop I won't care @ people being called niggers.

You all

shit @ my dad and his age.  Why should he give a care for you?  I am more old-fashioned than you.  I know more.


I don't care how safe you feel, you're all being bad to me.

My parents keep sending secret messages on the side, like Ellen says I can't do this, I'm not something forever.  Ellen seems to do it.  You can't give me attention just so you can be mean to me most of the time.  No one in the world gives a care @ your ^^wife^^ "Portia.."

I know that..

..Tim Burton actors have a strong ^fanbase^

Do you think..

..Helena Bonham Carter is sensitive for appearing in the top movies of the year?

O Wow

So, Tinkerbell in the Disney Night Parade is supposed to be another stall for a girl to throw up in, not for the far and few?

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You all are so mean.  You think I shouldn't meet Ellen because I post to her online, Tweet her Tweets, write a response for people to read on my Twitter, have made callouts hoping for attention.  Did that just pop outta you?

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We were visiting my aunt, and there were more people there.  We had to move out to a "kitchen" rather a different place because people we were with might attack.  A black girl I knew disappeared, but I saw her butt hanging out a big apartment in a city area of New Orleans.  I was upset, my brother left us all, probably headed out somewhere else in the U.S.  I was in a van with my parents.  Suddenly, my aunt was there.  I kept asking, "What about [little brother]"?  I just didn't want him caught!  We arrived at a place that looked like an office, a huge library in the middle of where we were staying.  I think I wanted to meet Ellen, maybe it was a thing that would stretch out more than 1 little meet and skedaddle.


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New Video

New Video of Me as Tinkerbell + Singing Practice Videos Loading

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How I Feel

Tired, moved bw bed and couch a lot, felt a little like throwing up, again, like that hurling feel.  Took a shower so feel cool.  Need to recline, again.  I did eat like 3 or 4 more tacos in the AM hours.

Wale! (Well)


So, I noticed..

Ellen started out kinda simple.  Most babies start of detailed.  Like she seemed to have simple nails.  Nell Burton seems to have flat-shaped toes|toenails, like a Jew, too.  So, did you see Ellen's nails?  I just now noticed.  They were longer and seemed more like mine as an infant.  Her nails seem plastered to her fingers.  So cute!  She has a new look, now, and she probably won't like grow them out again, necessarily.  I think she was worried they'd just keep getting shorter, though.  My nails after that were pretty square.  I might have a lot of good attributes.  I'm not quite sure what to do for my hands.  They used to be short but not bit.  I guess I'm getting uesd to them being more like the nails on a doll than a human being.  I always wear nail polish.

New Photo

New Photo of Me

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I'm good, though.

I used to ask my parents to carry me, but I wouldn't try to get ar*****.

I had to do it, again..

..I realized we over objectify young girls|tween girls today and that might make them feel ar*****.

Why I Have To

M*********.  Well, I don't, but people are afraid to get close to me and get weird thoughts.  I don't do it much, hadn't since the Tinkerbell bedspread.  Had a hard day partly but not much.  I saw a girl outside that made me think to tell my brother and mom something I said involving my brother.  She had bright honey hair and a round-ish head, thick-looking..  I don't know if it's my generation or what, but I was just feeling like I couldn't relax.  It may not be better than having a little drink.


New Person

Meghan Thomas - Facebook


Slept a little over an hour.  Just had 3 more tacos.  Having an Oreo shake..cookies and creme and want cookies.

My right ear feels like sensitive on the inside, loud noise in the bathroom at the food court at the mall.  Every time I try to settle, something happens in Orlando.  I have a right to live here and go about my community.  Also, you "can't leave.."  What p.o.s.  Whoever had the umph to say that has never contributed anything to anyone in this city because they don't me, you are not whiter, you are just a nigger.

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